Stop the Revolving Door of Call Center Agent Recruitment and Replacement

Call centers can be notoriously difficult places to work, which makes identifying and retaining quality customer service agents critical to success. Improving the ability to quickly screen, and hire high-fit candidates that stick-stay-and-perform will enable your recruitment team to fight the temptation to fill the chair with whomever applies. Increasing speed of training, performance ramp and tenure creates a pipeline of high performing supervisors and coaches that have the power to make or break the profitability of your call center operations. Stabilizing the call center workforce is fundamental to improving first call resolution, average handle time, accuracy rates, and CX scores. Make informed call center agent decisions pre-hire, and optimize call center agent performance post-hire. Build a stable, high performing call center team culture through improved hiring practices.


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Predict Pre-Hire,
Optimize Post-Hire.

5.8 Minutes Avg. Handle Time High Performer

Maximize Call Center Efficiency
Quality call center support is imperative to success. Yet reps need to listen, empathize and solve problems promptly. Find your sweet spot for success.

5 Average Sales Low Performer

Optimize Sales Productivity
Any call can be an opportunity to sell, including cross-selling and up-selling. Ensure your reps are ready when the opportunity arrives.

4.8 CX Scores High Performer

Improve Customer Satisfaction
Business reputations are built (and lost) on customer satisfaction. Build the best reputation for satisfying customer needs that you can.

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Simplify growing your call center team.

Need to understand how to leverage arbitrage? 

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I love this system!!

"Perception accurately predicts sales performance before we hire.....pure gold!"

Dominic Ford
General Manager
Mercedes-Benz of South Orlando

It’s scary how good it is!

"We feel that this is the most accurate test we’ve ever seen… ever! It’s that good! The quality of this program… people don’t know what you have yet. It’s so good!"

Phil Green - Managing Partner
Erick G - Chief Operating Officer
GG Homes, San Diego

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