Reduce Hidden Biases in Your Talent Acquisition Processes
You are responsible for ensuring your company is a place that welcomes talent with a diverse range of ethnicity, gender, age, orientation and background.
This is not just a social justice issue, it's an important business decision (and the law). Diverse teams dramatically outperform homogeneous teams.
Reliance on human gut feel and intuition has historically resulted in overlooking candidates that didn't fit the stereotype of what success looks like from an education and background perspective. High-quality people are too often unknowingly weeded out in early resume screenings and interviews through hidden biases. Although there is nothing funny about bias, we humorously call this the "Bob" effect; where everyone on the sales team tends to fit a very narrow stereotype of age, gender or race. PerceptionPredict will help you reduce this bias, and help your hiring team understand how hidden biases may be hindering more effective decision making.
What about Bob?
Empower your team with modern tools designed to make more inclusive decisions.