PerceptionPredict Blog

The Complete Job Performance Model

Written by Brett Morris | Jun 29, 2020 9:55:15 AM
An employee’s true on-job performance is highly complex.  Work performance encompasses four domains with components that PerceptionPredict’s Decision Support Platform directly measures and incorporates.

Traditional Perspectives on Models of Job Performance

Task Performance is the traditional focus of personnel selection.  However, individual work performance is more than just performing tasks and achieving prescribed work responsibilities and goals. 

The New Model of Job Design Motivating Employees’ Performance

Whilst cognitive assessments are useful for predicting Task Performance, Contextual Performance requires non-cognitive predictors.  Research shows Contextual Performance is a significant turnover predictor and is critical in any sector where customer service is important.

Campbell’s Hierarchical Model of Job Performance

Campbell’s Job Performance Model does not exclude the role of task-specific  ‘performance-based’ behaviors.  But the ever-growing body of extant research supports Campbell’s Model of Job Performance in its emphasis on other contextual factors including Non-Task-Specific Behaviors, Communication, Effort, Personal Discipline, Leadership and Managerial/Administrative Performance.

Contextual activities contribute to organizational effectiveness through employees’ willingness to go beyond the tasks in a job description (eg. ‘provide great service’).  This makes contextual behaviors much more difficult to assess, because they’re more likely to be discretionary, transcending task performance as prescribed by the formal job role and responsibilities.  If an individual is satisfied with their job, perceives that their employer treats them fairly, and feel that their leader provides support, Contextual Performance is higher.

Campbell Job Performance Model and the New Model of Job Design

Adapting to a changing work environment is increasingly critical for all job roles, and Adaptive Performance encapsulates an employee’s ability to adapt to changes in the work system or their work role.

While Contextual Performance comprises behaviours that positively influence the work environment, Adaptive Performance comprises behaviours that are a reaction to a dynamic or novel work environment with uncertain or unpredictable work situations.  Predictors of Adaptive Performance are different in that behaviors are a manifestation of creativity, the generation of ideas, procedures and products that are novel and useful.

On the other hand, Counterproductive Work Behavior harms the well-being of an organization and includes destructive or hazardous behavior such as absenteeism, lateness or theft that impacts areas such as customer experience and profitability.

PerceptionPredict: Beyond Campbell’s Model of Job Performance 

All performance is contextual.  People live, work and make decisions within a dynamic and intricate framework of interconnected relationships and conditions, not in a vacuum.  As such, any holistic model of performance must include all four work performance domains.  

PerceptionPredict's Decision Support Platform

To achieve a more accurate prediction of job performance, the People Intelligence™ model identifies latent characteristics that are critical to contextual and adaptive work performance.  Employees who exhibit voluntary effort and discretionary, innovative behavior are not only high performers but collectively, their performance contributes to customer satisfaction, loyalty, economic value creation and ultimately an organization’s competitive advantage.

Transcend the New and Traditional Models of Job Performance

To help you adapt and enhance your business in a rapidly evolving environment, PerceptionPredict’s Decision Support Platform comprehensively amasses and synthesizes data into four domains of work performance.

  1. Task Performance: Proficiency of job-specific tasks; explicit and tacit knowledge, skills and abilities
    • “Can-Do”

  2. Contextual Performance: Non-job-specific task and behaviors beyond formally  prescribed by job role and tasks
    • “Will-Do”

  3. Adaptive Performance: Discretionary ability to adapt to changing work environment,  system, job roles and self
    • “Should-Do”

  4. Counterproductive Behavior: Destructive behaviors that harm the well-being of the business and customers
    • “Won’t-Do”

PerceptionPredict combines all of the most pertinent wisdom concerning job performance by merging the tenets of traditional and new models of job design motivating employees’ performance.  We exhaustively compile all measures and predictors of job performance to help organizations maximize performance-promoting factors and minimize counterproductive factors.  

We believe in making the business world a better place, starting with individual businesses and their driving force: the individuals within them. 

Book a demo to discover the resources we develop to help you make expert personnel decisions by harnessing the forefront of research and data.